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COUNTIES (South Dakota)

Aurora		Plankinton		   1993		90			281
Beadle		Huron			not yet		none			14 281
Bennett		Martin			not yet		none			18
Bon Homme	Tyndall			not yet		none			none
Brookings	Brookings		   1988		29			14 81 (northbound)
Brown		Aberdeen		not yet		none			12 281
Brule		Chamberlain		   1993		90			none
Buffalo		Gannvalley		not yet		none			none
Butte		Belle Fourche		not yet		none			85 212
Campbell	Mound City		not yet		none			83
Charles Mix	Lake Andes		not yet		none			18 281
Clark		Clark			not yet		none			212
Clay		Vermillion		not yet		none			none
Codington	Watertown		   1988		29			81 212
Corson		McIntosh		not yet		none			12
Custer		Custer			not yet		none			16 16A 385
Davison		Mitchell		   1993		90			none
Day		Webster			not yet		none			12
Deuel		Clear Lake		   1988		29			212
Dewey		Timber Lake		not yet		none			212
Douglas		Armour			not yet		none			18 281
Edmunds		Ipswich			not yet		none			12
Fall River	Hot Springs		not yet		none			18 385
Faulk		Faulkton		not yet		none			212
Grant		Milbank			   1988		29			12 81
Gregory		Burke			not yet		none			18 281
Haakon		Philip			not yet		none			14
Hamlin		Hayti			   1988		29			81
Hand		Miller			not yet		none			14 212
Hanson		Alexandria		   1993		90			none
Harding		Buffalo			not yet		none			85
Hughes		PIERRE			not yet		none			14 83
Hutchinson	Olivet			not yet		none			18 81
Hyde		Highmore		not yet		none			14
Jackson		Kadoka			   1993		90			14
Jerauld		Wessington Springs	not yet		none			281
Jones		Murdo			   1993		90			83
Kingsbury	De Smet			not yet		none			14
Lake		Madison			not yet		none			81
Lawrence	Deadwood		   1993		90			14 14A 85 385
Lincoln		Canton			   1988		29			18
Lyman		Kennebec		   1993		90			83 183
Marshall	Britton			not yet		none			none
McCook		Salem			   1993		90			81
McPherson	Leola			not yet		none			none
Meade		Sturgis			   1993		90			14 14A
Mellette	White River		not yet		none			83
Miner		Howard			not yet		none			81
Minnehaha	Sioux Falls		   1988		29 90 229		none
Moody		Flandreau		   1988		29			none
Pennington	Rapid City		   1993		90 190			14 16 16A 385
Perkins		Bison			not yet		none			none
Potter		Gettysburg		not yet		none			83 212
Roberts		Sisseton		   1988		29			12 81
Sanborn		Woonsocket		not yet		none			none
Shannon		Pine Ridge*		not yet		none			18
Spink		Redfield		not yet		none			212 281
Stanley		Fort Pierre		not yet		none			14 83
Sully		Onida			not yet		none			83
Todd		Mission*		not yet		none			18 83
Tripp		Winner			not yet		none			18 183
Turner		Parker			not yet		none			18
Union		Elk Point		   1988		29			none
Walworth	Selby			not yet		none			12 83
Yankton		Yankton			not yet		none			81
Ziebach		Dupree			not yet		none			212
TOTAL: (21/66, 31.9%)					29 90 190 229		12 14 14A 16 16A
										18 81 83 85 183
										212 281 385
Complete routes through state:
  • I-29: from Iowa state line at North Sioux City to North Dakota state line near New Effington (253 miles)
  • I-90: from Wyoming state line near Spearfish to Minnesota state line near Brandon (413 miles)
Progress toward state route completion:
  • I-190: intersected northern terminus at I-90 exit 37 in Rapid City (0 out of 2 miles)
  • I-229: from exit 9 (Benson Road) in Sioux Falls to northern terminus at I-90 exit 10 near Sioux Falls (1 out of 11 miles)
  • US 12: (0 out of 323 miles)
  • US 14: from Wyoming state line near Spearfish to I-90 exit 112 near Wall (112 out of 421 miles)
  • US 14A: intersected western terminus at I-90 exit 10 in Spearfish, intersected eastern terminus at I-90 exit 30 in Sturgis (0 out of 44 miles)
  • US 16: intersected eastern terminus at I-90 exit 57 in Rapid City (0 out of 74 miles)
  • US 16A: (0 out of 39 miles)
  • US 18: from I-29 exit 59 near Davis to I-29 exit 62 near Worthing (3 out of 448 miles)
  • US 81: from I-29 exit 180 near Watertown to North Dakota state line near New Effington (73 out of 239 miles)
  • US 83: from I-90 exit 192 in Murdo to I-90 exit 212 near Vivian (20 out of 242 miles)
  • US 85: from I-90 exit 17 near Whitewood to I-90 exit 10 in Spearfish (7 out of 156 miles)
  • US 183: intersected northern terminus at I-90 exit 226 in Presho (0 out of 76 miles)
  • US 212: (0 out of 412 miles)
  • US 281: (0 out of 233 miles)
  • US 385: (0 out of 125 miles)
Also, I have driven significant segments of the following South Dakota state routes:
  • SD-10: from downtown Sisseton to I-29 exit 232 near Sisseton
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