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lyrics: J. Morse © 1986

Running... all the time
Stretching my wings to reach the borderline
Making my way to another world of dreams
Trying to see just what it was you meant to me
   Standing at the line
   Waiting for the gun
   Time to run and jump
   And catch up to the sun
Catch the breeze, and sail the seas
Watch the wind that nature brings
Come carrying you over to another endless dream
We're trapped in games we cannot win
Working for a living can't begin to
Take the place of making dreams come true
   Standing at the starting line
   As the lights begin to shine
   Opening Pandora's Box
   Declare the world as mine
   Run and jump into the air
   The feeling's drifting everywhere
   As smoky haze disguises, you
   Can hear the beat of time
     On... to begin the show
     Time... to tell us where to go
     Run and jump... until you can see
     The sun... blazing into the sea
Running... all the time
Stretching my wings to reach the borderline
Making my way to another world of dreams
Trying to see just what it was you meant to me