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lyrics: J. Morse © 1986

We are ants, crawling under the sun
We are mimics acting as if we were one
Staring in fear into each other's eyes
Mystic forces, paranoid pictures and lies
   Try to communicate
   Perhaps it's not too late
   But they insist on violence and rage
   Start the fire
   Ignore the wire
   We'll let ourselves be lured into the cage
     Words to say, words to hear
     You don't hesitate, you feel the fear
     Sound the alarm, raise the storm
     Blow them away with hatred and scorn
We are dust, drifting under the stars
Demons raging and shaking the bars
We are dreamers, seeing it all
We want everything at our beck and call
   Try to exterminate
   Everything that we hate
   Including one another if we must
   Changing colors
   Like the others
   Our interaction can't be built on trust
     Victims, aimless, following
     Mocking their cries and suffering
     Non-existent patience gone
     And the battle is joined --

Mystic forces, paranoid pictures and lies
Staring in fear into each other's eyes
Visionaries who forgot how to ask why
We are giants under the sky